Yesterday in my drive home after the close of the HackMiami 6th conference I was overtaken with a feeling of humbleness. Humble because despite of how small our local security community is there is an over abundance of talent, love and appreciation for one another.
Took some time to speak to FIRST attendee regarding some of the lessons learned at Zenedge fighting bot attacks. In the presentation, I covered an attacker whom persistently kept coming back to a customer and bypassing our mitigation techniques and how we evolved to protect ourselves.
Just finished 2 blog post on the Splunk blog which covers how to get started with Ansible and deploy harden Splunk instances. Also dive I into how to deploy and manage multiple custom Splunk environment in AWS using Ansible.
Just wrapped up a client library for Nexpose. I forked one already created, but added custom reporting support to it, which was a feature that a friend was requesting.
Hosted a public instance of the collective intelligence framework for a while. Created a nice globe base on webgl to represent its data, because who does not love a goble